b0llix is a sane and progressive un!x platform,
currently imaginary,
comprised of the following elements:
- b0init: a tiny /sbin/init
- perp: persistent process supervisor
- /bin/rc: the Plan 9 shell, adapted for un!x
- hdb: hash database (hdb32) multitool
- sqlite: in base system install
- ezcdb: constant database multitool (legacy cdb support)
- syshdb: system hdb's,
fast-access hashed datafiles for:
- /etc/passwd.hdb
- /etc/group.hdb
- /etc/services.hdb
- /etc/hosts.hdb
- ...
- b0inq: b0inq is not qmail mail transport agent
- b0paq: package build and installation manager
- ...